What are Music Centered Birth Services?
Music-centered birth services are supportive programs for individuals and families before, during, and after birth that include carefully selected, individualized music experiences. The services offered here are all part of evidence-based music therapy programs that can help foster a sense of peace, reduce discomfort and anxiety during birth, and increase bonding with your baby.
“Hi, I’m Caroline and I’m a licensed, board-certified music therapist and doula, practicing around Decatur, GA. I’m also a mom who received music-centered birth support at my own child’s birth! So I’ve been on both sides now. My favorite part of working with a music therapist was having someone make changes in the music environment when it was no longer meeting my needs. I had listened to the same music for too long, and yet couldn’t manage to make the change myself. I’ll never forget how relieved I felt when the music therapist arrived and helped me reconnect with my rhythm!”
There are so many ways to incorporate music into your pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenting. I offer a variety of options, because I know that every birthing parent and family is different. Take a look at some of the differences in my four core services to get an idea of your best fit!
Let’s talk about how Sound Birthing can benefit your pregnancy!